Marquee template - How do I reduce the size of the header? - Squarespace Answers

Marquee template - How do I reduce the size of the header?


Using the Marquee template, how do I reduce the size of the header? I want everything in the header, including the logo and navbar, to be smaller and to take up less vertical space.

Thanks, K navbar header navigation logo marquee Asked Jul 20 '13 at 13:38 by kvs678 23●4 2 1 3 Answers:OLDESTNEWESTMOST VOTED Try this. Edit the first padding value:

.title-nav-wrapper {

padding: 25px 80px; } Answered Jan 03 at 19:49 by morninghead 21●3 link 1 You can reduce the size of the logo. That worked for me. Answered Aug 14 '13 at 18:33 by pkiu13 133●5 link 0 I'd be interested in an answer to this too, although I'd like to increase the size of the header / adjust the padding between the page description and the top and bottom of the header.

Is there a way to adjust this more precisely, without changing the logo size? Answered Dec 03 '13 at 18:27 by lisao 63●5 link 0