How do I change the width of page content in Marquee? - Squarespace Answers

How do I change the width of page content in Marquee?


I am using the Marquee template. I would like to change the content width on my portfolio page (a grid of thumbnails) so that it consumes 100% of the page width with zero padding on all sides. I have tried specifying "width: 100%;" for just about every class I can find that relates to this content, but I can't seem to change the content width. Any ideas how this can be done?

Thanks, Todd width grid marquee Asked Sep 24 '13 at 15:00 by tddrchrdsn 136●4 1 1 One AnswerOLDESTNEWESTMOST VOTED Hey Todd

Try this:

.sqs-layout:not(.editing) .sqs-row + .sqs-row, .sqs-layout:not(.editing) .sqs-row + .sqs-block { margin-top: 34px; min-width: 100vw; } Answered Oct 10 '13 at 19:46 by brok 116●4