How can I add an email sign up form to the Marquee nav? - Squarespace Answers

How can I add an email sign up form to the Marquee nav?

Does anyone have a solution for adding custom HTML to the Marquee navigation? in navigation email form marquee Asked Nov 04 '13 at 12:00 by jennyhayes801 11●1 Do you mean you want to add a menu item that, instead of going to a page, displays a popup? (Nov 04 '13 at 15:10)sethlivingston 1 2 Answers:OLDESTNEWESTMOST VOTED Yes! I would like it be a button on the main navigation... right now I am getting around it by using a lightbox form in the header of the website. So far it works on the phone, too, but I'm not sure if my client wants it displayed permanently on every page.

Thanks! Answered Nov 04 '13 at 16:25 by jennyhayes801 11●1 link 0 SquareSpace lets you add a link, instead of a page, to your navigation. (See Adding and Removing a Navigation Link.) My hope was that, instead of inserting an HTTP address, you could insert a Javascript command as the link: "javascript: openMyPopupForMe();". Unfortunately SquareSpace automatically prepends the link with "http://" and it doesn't work.

The only other way I can think of to accomplish this is to add a navigation link to "#" (the current page) and then add some custom JavaScript on your page to respond to clicks on that link and then display the popup. This would very likely be more work than you're interested in doing.

Sorry I don't have more for you. Answered Nov 04 '13 at 17:06 by sethlivingston 1.3k●3●5●12 link