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whole brain thinker


whole brain thinker

I am a whole brain thinker.  My thoughts area  steady stream of logic based analytics and diverse perception of opporutnity.

I draw from and find areas of talent from an even mixture of abilities typically associated with either the left or right side of the brain.


It takes two parts to equal a whole.  Neither can really exist on its own, each provides support and compliments the other, allowing for outcomes that not only solve problems in smart ways but through the process, creates something MORE. 


Creativity runs through my blood.

I like to think, my thoughts are creative.


Creativity runs through my blood.

I like to think, my thoughts are creative.


I am a whole brain thinker.  My thoughts area  steady stream of logic based analytics and diverse perception of opporutnity.

I draw from and find areas of talent from an even mixture of abilities typically associated with either the left or right side of the brain.


It takes two parts to equal a whole.  Neither can really exist on its own, each provides support and compliments the other, allowing for outcomes that not only solve problems in smart ways but through the process, creates something MORE. 


Creative Professional

Through my education and my work experience, I have been able to use my creative thinking as one of my greatest professional strengths.  Design school gave me a rigorous process to harness the creativity and focus it towards the right objectives and correct priorities.  Paired with critical reasoning, I can reach creative solutions that solves the problem while navigating my way through roadblocks and follow through to completion. 


Purposeful Designer

I strive to understand my world beyond surface level.  I question why things are the way they are and how they work.  I have a genuine curiosity for understanding systems and relationships between things. I find my purpose when I am able to practice design to create solutions that help people.

My Interests

About Me


My Interests

About Me

My Interests

I am interested in the way people think, behave and learn.  

I am passionate about understanding the world around me and trying to make it a better place to be.    

I'm drawn to work directly with people on an intimate scale.  

I enjoy tackling big design problems that are more complex in scope and take a team of collaborators to create the solution.  

ity, architecture, digital experiences, design path, experiments, user experience,



















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S0.3 What I Would Like to Do

What I’d Like To Do


S0.3 What I Would Like to Do

What I’d Like To Do


I’ve always been motivated to take action to help others achieve their potential by creating spaces and solutions that have been designed with their current needs and an understanding of the modern world we live in. 

I am driven by the desire to help people achieve.

Value Provided from Productivity

I want to use my skills as a designer to help people live, work and play

- more enjoyably, successfully and engaging.

I’d like to find myself among others working to create rich experiences that act as a catalyst in helping others become actively involved in how people engage with their world.

Experiences I Would Like To Gain

  • user center products
  • user analytics insights
  • direct to end user type products or services
  • design things where confirmation of our decisions come from insights gained from people using it

Employment As A Designer

Designing the future of how people live, work and play

Remain within a creative profession

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S0.X I Believe Design…..

I Believe Design …..

(special feature section)


S0.X I Believe Design…..

I Believe Design …..

(special feature section)


Core values I believe are essential to design.

Is Empathetic To Its Context

  •  Bridge

  •  Warsaw Towers

  •  Lille Houses

  • Warsaw Residential Tower

Facilitates Connections

  • Warsaw Hotel
  • Moment Finder
  • Merc Coop Grocery

Creates A Dialogue Between Us And Our World

  • Rhino in Reality

  • Temperature Monitoring

  • CoPilot Health Portal

  • Maritime Museum

Seeks Novel Solutions

  •  Stair Table Chair

  •  Lille Trash Room

  •  Film Center, Plaza, Lawn

  •  Residential Tower In Warsaw


S0.4 Overview of My Experience

Overview of My Experience


S0.4 Overview of My Experience

Overview of My Experience



Master of Architecture

School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design

at the

University of Kansas


Architecture and Design Instructor 

Duke Tip Summer Program

run by 

Duke University


Intern Designer

Studio Odile Decq

in Paris, France

Design Staff


in Dallas, TX




in New York, NY

Working Internationally

While finishing my Master of Architecture, I completed a five month internship in Paris, France. I wanted to see if my thoughts about the world were real or if I would find a new reality when integrating into the culture. I wanted to see what I was made of when I took the opportunity to travel to a new city with a new language. The challenge forced me to adapt to conditions and helped me develop my non-verbal skills by becoming a better listener and perceiving body language.

Over the past couple of years I've collaborated as a designer on large scale international architecture with an emphasis in developing my skills within computational design to quickly iterate through complex facade designs, validate designs with data and automate repetitive tasks.

As a design professional working in offices at the international and global scale; I have seen the range of opportunity within the architecture discipline doesn't offer enough range and flexibility to be truly innovative with strong, impactful design solutions.

Digital Computation

Over the past 3 years, I have developed these ideas further through design computation and making connections between the physical and digital world. 

Studies that explored design computation

Problematically connecting digital and physical design spaces.

Establishing my platform for making connections using Grasshopper 3D. Incorporating computational design into my professional work. Unconventional means to control my NYC Apartment temperature. Adding DIY Nest Intelligence Physical Interfacing Data Management and Analysis using Grasshopper

The Value of My Experience Working in Design Computation

My experience in design computation has provided a foundation to build from and help further my interests in creating new methods for how people interface with the world and the experiences they have when interacting with their physical and digital worlds.

Jumping Point to More

focusing on the opportunity to create better spaces for people to live there modernize keeping it the start to this path of design

My thought Center on trading spaces and tools that facilitate the success and others. This tries my purpose as a designer


S0.5 My Design Perspective

My Design Perspective


S0.5 My Design Perspective

My Design Perspective

My Design Perspective


  • Synthesis
  • Seamless Experiences
  • Solves Problems
  • Gathers people

Beyond Architecture

Designing for only physical or digital world limits potential success or complete experience.  It’s the same problem  as someone seeing every problem as the same (nailhead) and thinking the problem can be solved using one single tool (hammer).


I believe our future is highly collaborative, open sourced and requires highly adaptable solutions to keep up with our pace of life. The future we design will focus on activating intuitive methods within us and the process for creating systems rather than a single final outcome.

People Centered

By placing people at the front of the priorities ensures the purpose remains intimately connected with the solutions created. 

My Focus of Investigation


  • independent exploration of design and its role in our society
  • Systems of connections working together
  • With a Masters of Architecture, my interests extend the boundaries of a single discipline to encompass a much more holistic view of design to include how people interface and activate engagement with the world around them


  • Connections to human behaviors.
  • Active engagement of people
  • Remaining connected to the primary reasons that lead me down the path of design - providing people with ways to live their modern life.
  • I think design could find a wider distribution and success through the use of their behaviors and intuition to facilitate success and give strengthen people without adding external braces. Designing solutions becomes a part of them rather than an object outside of themselves. I think this might really help improve people’s lives.
  • I am very interested in understanding people; how they understand their world, perceive opportunities, motivate engagement, intuitively solve problems in the moment, the context that surrounds their logic, communication methods and how people learn.
  • I enjoy thinking about how others perceive their world, make connections to others and use spaces. I'm curious to understand how people activate engagement with the world upon perceiving an opportunity to do so

Architecture’s “Rebirth”

Looking forward, using the experiences I’ve had and the knowledge of how the industry works, I’m interested in refocusing the design of buildings to reflect our understanding of people and how those designs can create rich experiences. I want to be actively involved in how people engage in their world.

The Future of Design

  • Design is still on the fringe of realizing its potential
  • I have been working on ideas that examine where design and the built environment might be in 20-30 years. This is based on the idea that the built environment remains static and lifeless in its three dimensional state.

Behaviors / People

My own interests

  • I’ve always been motivated to take action to help others achieve their potential.
  • Integrate design into people's lives
  • How people make decisions in the moment
  • Curious how design can spark internal motivation and connect to people as this deeper level.

Requirements of a Designer

careful balance between intuition and logic is required by the designer in order to hang peoples behavior requires an intuitive understanding of their behavior and what drives the.

  • the systems
  • natural affordance
  • empathetic to situation
  • messiness of reality

If design can connect deeper

  • facilitate success
  • reduce the barrier to entry
  • empower others
  • adapt to their needs
  • remove the thresholds between thinking and doing


Walk Through to Span the Gap Between Now and Future

  • Recognizing the current issues 
  • Vision of our future
  • Sketching out a framework to help us go forward

Communication Between Digital and Physical World

I think the real opportunity is in taking the two worlds we live in and making them a single experience. I think this is realized by integrating our digital world into our physical environments to the point we can no longer tell the difference between the two.

Becoming a Solution That Helps People

Centered around how people are not only designed for, but incorporated into system based solutions

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S0.6 Outro

End of Intro


S0.6 Outro

End of Intro

creative profession, purposeful designer


I am a

Creative Professional


Purposeful Designer.


I enjoy thinking,






and doing.


Tyler Selby

Professional Designer/ Thinker/ Doer 

New York, NY

Intro Alternate page


Intro Alternate page


  • I live for connections

  • I see the world as connections

  • I believe design's ability to connect is very powerful

Creating Connections

  • understanding the process of making so design solutions can be enablers to help others create.

  • the dialogue that we interface with between us and our built environment and other people -

 want to improve the lives of others by creating a world that deeply engages with them and helps facilitate in their success.   intuition and their behaviors with insights to help bridge with future to larger vision to engage with the next giant leap forward

provides full engagement with their world through the spaces they inhabit understanding human behavior and 

to integrate design in our world and lives so tightly that it is difficult to I want to help activate the world to become complete, immersive solution space.I want to ficus my time and energy as a professional designer towards purpose reasons.  What I creat finds purpose in others. and becomes a tool

New Page


New Page

See the Pen hatGD by Tyler Selby (@TYLERSELBY) on CodePen.

See the Pen Sibling Selector Gallery by Tyler Selby (@TYLERSELBY) on CodePen.

See the Pen Blur page when modal is activated by Tyler Selby (@TYLERSELBY) on CodePen.

See the Pen spual by foleyatwork (@foleyatwork) on CodePen.

Template Designer



Send Jobvite


The Squarespace Template Team is looking for some great designers to shape the future of web design. Squarespace templates are renowned for continually setting the bar for design and code quality.

Template Designers typically have a solid background in web design and possess knowledge in a variety of fields including front-end development, user interaction, technology, and marketing. The ideal candidate should be a self-starter with the ability to guide a template from concept to release.

Please include a link to your online portfolio along with your resume.


  • Research and design concepts for new templates that are usable, beautiful, and marketable
  • Design page layouts and interactions for templates
  • Work closely with Template Developers during the template build process
  • Design and place demo content (example content) based on a persona or marketing category


  • Impeccable taste
  • Strong portfolio with multiple examples of responsive web design work
  • Bonus – Experience creating themes and/or sites for platforms like Wordpress, Tumblr, Shopify, etc...
  • Up-to-date with current trends in the design and tech world
  • Marketing-minded – ability to put yourself in the customer’s shoes and come up with ideas that are relevant and enticing
  • Deep understanding of the capabilities and limitations of HTML, CSS, Javascript, browsers, and devices
  • Bonus – Ability to write front-end code (HTML, CSS, Javascript, etc...)

link list

section 01 links


link list

section 01 links

letter test


letter test

You don’t write letters in your mailbox.

Mailboxes are where you get distracted. There’s unpaid bills, credit card offers, junk mail, magazines, and perhaps a real letter. You go there, and come back with more things you have to do.

So why write emails in your inbox?

Your inbox is the very same. It’s filled with newsletters, automated emails from social accounts, offers and reminders and calendar requests — and all the real emails that you need to reply to. And in the time it takes you to clean out your inbox, odds are there will be more new emails to process.

That’s hardly the best place to write a coherent email.

You need a new email app. 
One that's just for writing emails.

It's that comfortable spot where you pen long letters, draw a smiley face in a birthday card, or just write a quick postcard without getting distracted. It's the place to get email done.

Introducing the simplest email app ever:


the tiny Markdown powered app just for writing emails


Let.ter is a new approach to email, one that lets you focus on your message without the distractions of your email inbox. No notifications, no inbox zero to achieve, no folders and tags and complexities. Just you and your email.

It's the focused approach to email we've all needed. We think you'll love it.

Coming Soon. It's here!

Try out for 7 days or Buy now!
Only for Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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